Friday, September 4, 2009

Been a long time

Ok, so the last time I posted here I had just found out I was, the little one is over six months old. Just goes to show.

So I'm bored tonight. Had ALMOST gotten up the gumption to go to IKEA....need to get their silverware for preschool co op. Each kid gets his/her own color. Good idea. I have the whole set sans the flatware. Then M fell asleep. On me. Got up...she's still asleep....can't go to IKEA. Can't even just cram her in the car...she's in her bathing suit.

Thinking about going to see this mystic healer guy tonight. Not sure what to do with the kids. Thinking of the B girls who just got their babysitter certification...but M's only been with a sitter once and I'm after being difficult to put to bed last night with Daddy, I'm not sure I want to leave her with the poor B girls.

S is fussing...but who can blame her, she's sitting on the floor while I'm typing this. Should really go outside on this awesome day... bad mommy.

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